Wednesday 18 May 2011

STPM - 18 months of sweet and sour ...

Posted by BooNBoX

Hi everyone. It's been some time since my last post and now I will give you some info about my personal experience on STPM (after being reminded gently by our blog master.. lol) So you think STPM is hard ?? ...

You're probably correct. It is hard of course. So do A-levelsSAT and other exam in the world. No exam in this world is particularly easy, unless the future for the exam is not that good, you know what I mean. If you work harder, I can assure you to get good results. It is not impossible to score.

Below are some FAQ I might get from you all and you're welcome to ask more question about STPM, A-levels, SAT and some other pre-U exams. I will attend to you as soon as I notice your question!

1. Why did you choose to study Form 6 instead of A Level, Australian Matriculation etc?
Wasting time is the main reason people feel about going to Form 6. Yes I do agree if you are rich and can't wait to spend it on your overseas tertiary programme. And yes again I would say because Form 6 really is for hardworking people (with this sentence, I do not say and mean that I am one of those people...) I choose this path because the option to stay in local university (IPTA) and it is the only way to get into IPTA other than local matriculation. IPTA is real cheap (in either meaning). Futhermore STPM is globally recognised. So with good results you can further your studies in overseas and with excellent results you may even get scholarships!! A-level is another good option but the disadvantage is that you don't have the IPTA as your fall-back. SAM is easy (what I heard from ALL PEOPLE that had taken this exam and it's not my opinion). But SAM is recognised only for mostAustralian University and few university worldwide.

The scholarships you may apply after STPM. JPA if you managed to get into IPTA, PTPTN as financial assistance, KUOK Foundation for IPTA and Singapore Public University, GIC, GE, Singapore Scholarships, ASEAN, and lots and lots of scholarships that is impossible to mention all of them here. You may need to do some research during your long break before the release of the results. There's magazine titled "Scholarships Guide" or something which will be published near the results releasing days and costs you around RM8-10. It's a nice magazine to hook on. Grab a copy if you see it!

2. What were your 2005 STPM results?
Is it really important to know that? Well, honestly the results for every year is different and depends on various factors such as the difficulty of the papers, the number of candidates, the quality of the candidates and so on... A lot of factors going on and influence the quality of every major exams in the world. Anyway I will tell you my results and so you roughly know how important the weightage and the importance of each paper). I scored A for my Pengajian Am (P1=A, P2=A-), A for myMaths T (P1=A, P2=B+), A for my Biology (P1=A-, P2=A, P3=A) and B+ for my Chemistry (P1=A-, P2=B+, P3=A). My CGPA is 3.83. So you may have some confusion over the results. Let me analyse for you.

For my Pengajian Am paper 1, I am very confident and scored most of the questions hence scored an A while my paper 2 i scored only A-. However, the 100% of the paper 2 will be scaled down to 62.5% hence the 'damage' done by the paper 2 has gone down while my paper 1 has helped me to gain an A in this paper. For my Maths T it seemed unbelievable isn't it? 50% for paper 1 and 50% for paper 2. Then A + B+ should be = A-, right? But what if I tell you that I am super confident that I can get 100% for my paper 1? Hence when both marks added together my paper 1 has helped me very much in pushing the marks up. So my advice, have a very very very strong Volume 1 Maths skill and make sure you can solve all of them!! Well for Biology and Chemistry, very obvious your paper 2 is the key to everything!!!

3. What suggestions would you like to give to the new Form 6 students on how to prepare for STPM since Lower Six?
Honestly one and a half year for everything in STPM isn't enough, but if you manage to distribute your time well, it shouldn't be a big problem. To me, the hardest subject is Chemistry. I face some problem even I was in Form 4. To me Chemistry is fun but I was in trouble when I tried to imagine the concept. Here's the key : You grab the concept for Chemistry and you will score. For physical chemistry it is more testing on your understanding and hence the concepts are very important, it is very different that Organic/Inorganic Chemistry where more memorizing is required. Biology is a subject where you will need to read a lot and your skill to pour everything out on the answer papers during the exam. For Maths T, true understanding and application will be required since sometimes the questions can be very challenging and cannot be solved without the application and derivation of some basic concepts.

4. Did you suffer from the sudden change from Malay to English in Science and Mathematics subjects?
There's not much difference though I think studying in Malay is easier for me. Haha, but I enjoyed the whole session in English and it is very useful especially when you go overseas to study in English. There's nothing much to deal with and obviously you will need to beef up your language to avoid childish and unwanted mistakes. Pick up a newspaper and starting reading!!

5. Did you attend tuition classes? Are they a MUST?
I won't say there are a must-have preparation for STPM. I did not attend tuition much except for the beginning of Lower Six. Then I stopped and tried to study on my own. Near the exam, I attended some seminars and workshop to get more preparations. Tuition isn't a must honestly.

6. How about Malaysian University English Test (MUET)?
I scored band 5 and very few people will get Band 6. (3 people for my year in my school) Language is not something you read and score. It is a language. Constant reading and accurate usage of the language is required. Hence I suggest you all to start speaking in English and watch English movie/TV series from now. At least that's my way...

7. Do you agree that STPM is the toughest examination in the world?
Cramming everything in 1 and a half year and pouring it out in just merely 3 or 4 hours. I would say it is hard because of the candidates. Since the results are binomially-graphed and hence it would add up the challenge and make it more difficult to score if everyone is doign good on a certain paper. I won't say it's the toughest exam in the world since I do not have any experience in other exam paper. SAT is famous for its speed and accuracy test, the questions maybe easy but under limited time, it tests greatly on your accuarcy and your handling when under pressure. Every exam has its unique way to test the candidates. STPM is, undoubtly, one of those tough exams in the world.

8. Could you name a few useful resources to STPM students?
Longman, Pelangi, Fajar Bakti (Oxford), and some other are quite famous but you better checked with your teachers for the most upto dates and relevant references. I would suggest you to visit some forums (such as as there the students will exchange their trial exam papers. It is a good resource and good discussion board.

9. Are co-curricular activities important?
Co-curicular activity is extremely important. I won't say much on this. Just think like this. Everyone can score straight A or getting a first class degree from university, so what element distinguish these excellent candidates in a job interview??? Your leadership, your participation, your passion... and all these will be reflected in your extra curicular activities. So while working your brain out for the exams, do join some activities to add some values in your school certificates. 

More questions and answers available on STPM FAQ Part II.

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